Primary Care
Patient Story: Finding the Right Primary Care Provider
Robin Naida knows the importance of having a primary care provider and found her forever care team at APD.
Patient Story: 15-Year History of Primary Care
At Alice Peck Day Primary Care, Terry Grigsby and Dr. Margot Stephens have an enviable doctor/patient relationship. It is based on 15-year history of patient care, open communication, and a good sense of humor.
Patient Story: Care When You Need It Most
Diane Strickland tells her story of a trip and fall with humor, but her visit to Alice Peck Day’s Emergency Department could have, in fact, been much more serious.
How to Avoid Slips, Trips, and Falls
Falls don’t always cause injuries, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Kirsten Eastman, manager of Rehab and Occupational Health Services at Alice Peck Day Memorial Hospital, provides some fall prevention tips.
Five Tips for Holiday Health
Worried about the holidays hijacking your health? Karry Smardon, social worker and recovery coach at Alice Peck Day, offers five tips for maintaining your health during the holidays.
10 Ways to Keep Your Teeth Healthy
Asha Clark, dental hygienist with Alice Peck Day’s Upper Valley Smiles program, shares 10 ideas to keep teeth healthy.
Bun at APD
Bun and family live in the Upper Valley and are patients at Alice Peck Day Memorial Hospital. But Bun’s just a young rabbit who isn’t quite sure what healthcare is all about.