Local Resources

The Upper Valley has a wealth of resources for residents. Here are a few of our community partners in health and well-being.


Listen is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide services and support to families and individuals of the Upper Valley. Key services provided by Listen are temporary housing, eviction prevention, heating/electric assistance, dinners, and assistance with food insecurity.


Wise was founded as a career resource center for women but grew into a safe space where women could be together as a community. Key services provided by Wise are a 24-Hour Crisis Line, healthcare advocacy, forensic interview support, court and legal advocacy, social service advocacy, safe home and emergency shelter, survivor groups and workshops, financial advocacy, and family violence prevention specialist program.

Upper Valley Haven

The Upper Valley Haven provides temporary shelter and educational programming for homeless families and adults as well as food to anyone in need. Key Services provided by the Upper Valley Haven include food support, shelter, service coordination, housing support, and children’s programs.

Special Needs Support Center

The Special Needs Support Center was designed for people who were born with special needs and disabilities to meet and connect with other people that are similar, to make friends, and have fun. Key Services offered include zoom clubs for adults with focuses on art, cooking, books, etc. For children there are even more options like summer camp and an after-school program.


Headrest is a nonprofit organization assisting those affected by substance use disorder, a crisis, or in need of support by providing effective programs and treatments. Key Services provided by Headrest include outpatient treatment and counseling, 24/7 crisis-suicide hotline, access to a licensed alcohol and drug counselor, as well as a vocational program to assist people that are recovering or are experiencing substance use disorder to find opportunities for work.

Families Flourish NE

Families Flourish NE is a nonprofit organization that aids in recovery for women, children, families, and communities by interrupting the intergenerational cycle of addiction. Key Services include recovery coaches, group and individual therapy, psychotherapy and developmental screenings, education, employment support, prenatal/postnatal care, primary/pediatric care, and medicated assisted treatment.

Turning Points

​​​​​​​Turning Points Network is a nonprofit organization that works to enhance the safety and well-being of victims and survivors of domestic and sexual abuse and stalking through empowerment and advocacy. Key services include a 24-hour crisis and support line, shelter, safe housing, case management, court advocacy, safety planning, transportation, peer counseling, support groups, personal advocacy, economic independence training, transitional housing services, information and referral, and emergency childcare.


​​​​​​​Waypoint is the oldest children’s charitable organization in the state, founded in 1850 and serving the community ever since. Key Services include adoption, prenatal support, parent education/family empowerment, services for children with developmental concerns or chronic health conditions, childcare, mental health counseling, family preservation, supervised visitation, foster care, homeless youth continuum, home healthcare for older Americans and adults with disabilities, and advocacy.

Positive Tracks

​​​​​​​Positive Tracks is a nonprofit organization providing resources and hands-on coaching to youth across the country to use their own unique skills and voices to educate and mobilize their communities through charitable athletic events they’ve built themselves. Key Services provided by Positive Tracks are event planning/organizing, fundraising, coaching teams, and online tools and resources.

Vital Communities

​​​​​​​Vital Communities is a nonprofit organization that works to bring the community together and create a positive change. Key Services include early childhood education; programming and resources to help households, communities, schools, and workplaces build resilience; and housing assistance.