Later this week, Alice Peck Day (APD) Memorial Hospital will transition to a new electronic health record that will unify its clinical and hospital systems and provide seamless integration with many of Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health (D-HH) system’s other organizations: Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC), the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Community Group practices in southern New Hampshire, and Cheshire Medical Center in Keene, NH.
The new system, which is known as eD-H, will also enable patients to access their health record on a patient portal (myD-H) that can be accessed on the web or through a mobile app. It will also unify the clinical and ambulatory health records for APD patients, which previously had been located in several different systems. This transition also improves APD’s information technology infrastructure and administrative systems. The official transition to eD-H will occur at 7pm on Saturday, May 11, 2019.
For patients, this new electronic health record will provide a number of benefits, including the following:
- Free, convenient, and easy access to your health information online
- Secure communication with your health care team
- Digital appointment reminders and requests
- Online access to request prescription renewals
- Ability to view account balances and make online credit card payments
- Access to lab and test results
It will also enable patient’s health care information to be available to their health care team at DHMC, the Community Group practices, and Cheshire Medical Center.
“This transition to eD-H provides the foundation for APD’s future,” said APD President and CEO Sue Mooney, MD, MS, FACOG. “It will not only improve the care of our patients, but allow APD to work with D-HH to identify new opportunities to provide services that our patients and the community desire,” she said.
eD-H is software licensed from Epic Systems — one of the largest providers of health information technology, used primarily by large U.S. hospitals and health systems to access, organize, store, and share electronic medical records.